OK, I wasn't able to record the way that I
wanted to, so I did the next best thing which
did work, but the feedback
that I received was that the music was too
soft. Hey, I am not a producer, I just write
the music! So now, guess what? I have to
become a producer-because I can't pay for
hours of studio recording. Oh, well. I will keep you
updated. As for the course, hopefully by the end of
next month I will have the ultimate "non-work" make
money plan for musicians, and other creative people.
If you don't sign up for FREASY, you will NOT be
getting the information. So Sign up, if you already
haven't yet.
All about the life of a struggling artistic, being who used to be trapped in the chains of a mundane day job. I am now free to fly as high as I desire because I will never conform.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Free Music Course Part One: Copyright
Needless to say, but, the minute that you create a work
It is already coprighted. To be on the safe side, you must
register your work with The Library of Congress. If anyone
steals/ samples your work, that is the best way to prove the
Music is yours. So do not upload any music on the web until
you officially register it with the library of congress. Here is
the link: http://www.copyright.gov Any questions you have,
there is a thorough FAQ section. You can print off any forms
you need it's a great site. They just changed the fee not too
long ago, by the way. It's $45.00 now. Check for these
changes regularly.
Berklee Shares
I am totally busy, so I found a great site that can teach you
what I cannot do right now. I have to thank Berklee for this.
If you have not heard of Berklee School of Music, then surf
on over to the website and find out right now! Big names
have come this school, and Quincy Jones is on the board
of Trustees. What these good people have done was create
free courses that anyone can take. Go to http://www.berkleeshares.com and take the next part of this
course "Music Business & Careers". It has 27 parts. By the time
you are done, I should be finished testing the best websites
online to sell your music. Tell all your musician friends about
this website.
It is already coprighted. To be on the safe side, you must
register your work with The Library of Congress. If anyone
steals/ samples your work, that is the best way to prove the
Music is yours. So do not upload any music on the web until
you officially register it with the library of congress. Here is
the link: http://www.copyright.gov Any questions you have,
there is a thorough FAQ section. You can print off any forms
you need it's a great site. They just changed the fee not too
long ago, by the way. It's $45.00 now. Check for these
changes regularly.
Berklee Shares
I am totally busy, so I found a great site that can teach you
what I cannot do right now. I have to thank Berklee for this.
If you have not heard of Berklee School of Music, then surf
on over to the website and find out right now! Big names
have come this school, and Quincy Jones is on the board
of Trustees. What these good people have done was create
free courses that anyone can take. Go to http://www.berkleeshares.com and take the next part of this
course "Music Business & Careers". It has 27 parts. By the time
you are done, I should be finished testing the best websites
online to sell your music. Tell all your musician friends about
this website.
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Free Music Course
The Long Awaited Music Course Has Finally Arrived!
The best thing about it, is that I have found a website that will give you free music courses so that makes my job much easier! There will be two parts. Part one: Copyright, Berklee Shares, then, The Best Sites To Sell Your Music On The Internet. Part Two: The Only Passive Income Program You Will Ever Need. I believe that this work-at-home, easy-to-do program will work-and if it does, every musician can quit their day jobs forever and just focus on making music. Part One: Copyright, and Berklee Shares will be available Monday, September 4. Be Sure To Sign Up, so you can be notified when each course is ready to be viewed.
The best thing about it, is that I have found a website that will give you free music courses so that makes my job much easier! There will be two parts. Part one: Copyright, Berklee Shares, then, The Best Sites To Sell Your Music On The Internet. Part Two: The Only Passive Income Program You Will Ever Need. I believe that this work-at-home, easy-to-do program will work-and if it does, every musician can quit their day jobs forever and just focus on making music. Part One: Copyright, and Berklee Shares will be available Monday, September 4. Be Sure To Sign Up, so you can be notified when each course is ready to be viewed.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Music Update
Here I am, and nearly raring to go. I have got some great software that I have found online, have the money to copyright my songs. All I need is to know how to get the music to the computer! You see, my sis and I have created over 100 songs, but the songs we intend to copyright are from Mtv Music Generator. Oh Yeah! We have created some super hot songs we are sure will get us some immediate fans. I went to a forum to find out about how to hook up the Playstation to the computer, and everybody has their own way of doing it. I can't shell out any more money to buy any extra parts-not that I can find them! The local Radio Shack where I live just closed about two weeks ago, and our downtown area is dead, so I gotta come up with something "creative". I made up an outline for my music course, but I just told the music group at MSN I'm not giving out the course until I know it works for me first. I found the "golden" websites, have the books to promote and stuff. So, now, all it boils down to is hooking up the Playstation to the computer. *sigh* This will be quite interesting to see how it turns out.
Friday, June 09, 2006
And The Bell In My Head Did Ring....

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The Music Business
It’s a sad thing to admit, but, everything I’ve
Learned in music business school didn’t
Amount to anything. I wish someone would
Have told me you don’t have to be signed
To a record label, you can do it yourself!
The old music Industry, has always been
And will continue to be..ugly. I mean, who
Wants to sell a million CD’s and after all
The cuts from, management, lawyer,
Producer, agent, album design, touring
Ect., all you get is a few measly thousand
Dollars? See . http://www.negativland.com/albini.html
For a clear example. It’s pretty bad, folks.
Don’t let the glamour of American
Idol fool you. I prefer the New Music Industry
Business. The one where, the Indies get
Their own CD’s made, sell them and keep
All the profit themselves. The magic words
Are downloads and licensing. That’s all you
Need to know about the music business. If
You can properly set-up a website where
People can download your MP3’s, and
Score your own licensing deals, you’re
Set. Don’t like the j.o.b.? Get a passive
Income In place so you can focus on your
Music. There is a vast amount of quality
Resources to help you along your way.
If you want a career in music, this is
one blog to check out often. I am giving
away a *free* music course by the end of
June, 2006 to all who are interested,
because I need testimonials. What is in
the course? It consists of two parts:
The first part is: The music system.
It is a system that I created that instead
of getting little to no sales, you get a
huge payment for doing something "one time."
part two of the course is Passive Income.
First I'll start with Adsense, then add on
two other strong money-makers. If this type of
course sounds good to you, then opt-In on
my website, Rhy'thmic Exprezions at:
I am testing part two and it is working.
Learned in music business school didn’t
Amount to anything. I wish someone would
Have told me you don’t have to be signed
To a record label, you can do it yourself!
The old music Industry, has always been
And will continue to be..ugly. I mean, who
Wants to sell a million CD’s and after all
The cuts from, management, lawyer,
Producer, agent, album design, touring
Ect., all you get is a few measly thousand
Dollars? See . http://www.negativland.com/albini.html
For a clear example. It’s pretty bad, folks.
Don’t let the glamour of American
Idol fool you. I prefer the New Music Industry
Business. The one where, the Indies get
Their own CD’s made, sell them and keep
All the profit themselves. The magic words
Are downloads and licensing. That’s all you
Need to know about the music business. If
You can properly set-up a website where
People can download your MP3’s, and
Score your own licensing deals, you’re
Set. Don’t like the j.o.b.? Get a passive
Income In place so you can focus on your
Music. There is a vast amount of quality
Resources to help you along your way.
If you want a career in music, this is
one blog to check out often. I am giving
away a *free* music course by the end of
June, 2006 to all who are interested,
because I need testimonials. What is in
the course? It consists of two parts:
The first part is: The music system.
It is a system that I created that instead
of getting little to no sales, you get a
huge payment for doing something "one time."
part two of the course is Passive Income.
First I'll start with Adsense, then add on
two other strong money-makers. If this type of
course sounds good to you, then opt-In on
my website, Rhy'thmic Exprezions at:
I am testing part two and it is working.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Ever Onward

O.k. I tried a "professional" demo on this
"free" software. It still sounds terrible!
I guess I am just going to have to do this
the "old fashioned" way for now-sending in
a demo, instead of just burning it to CD
and uploading, I mean, this was the
WHOLE point of what I am trying to do!
Using the internet-because it's"faster"!
Should I search for better software? Will
it still suck if its free software? I don't
know. Oh! about the MSN group posting, two
people responded about wanting to try my
free music course(for testimonials)I will
do a cassette demo as a back-up,but, I
STILL have to do this online. This course
is supposed to make musicians' lives easier
Maybe I should step back and think a bit.
Is there something that I'm missing in this
plan? Is that why it's so frustrating?
I'll let you know this week.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Road Block
OK, the *free* software works great with my voice,
but not my mixer. I am going to try a pro demo I
have and play it through the software, but if it
doesn't work, I'll have to do the demo "the old
fashioned way"! ??!! I cannot afford to buy new
software since I am in debt up to the roof of my
head. I spoke about Adsense before, but again, I
can't pay for hosting. I actually have three free
Adsense sites already set up, that just need up-
loading and hosting, and the free hosting sites
are just plain crap!! So, I am still going
to do music,I am working on a book idea I hope
I can sell by synopsis, and a mail order plan.
I'll keep you posted later this week.
but not my mixer. I am going to try a pro demo I
have and play it through the software, but if it
doesn't work, I'll have to do the demo "the old
fashioned way"! ??!! I cannot afford to buy new
software since I am in debt up to the roof of my
head. I spoke about Adsense before, but again, I
can't pay for hosting. I actually have three free
Adsense sites already set up, that just need up-
loading and hosting, and the free hosting sites
are just plain crap!! So, I am still going
to do music,I am working on a book idea I hope
I can sell by synopsis, and a mail order plan.
I'll keep you posted later this week.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Finally On The Right Path

I am totally, absolutely positive that this is going to be it! I CANNOT believe I actually found a music software program that is *100% Free* and that works without any time limits. We have(my sister and I) have put together 20 songs to be copyrighted, and we are just about ready to record them. When that is done, they will be uploaded to *special* music websites where we will wait for the money to roll in. When I have had success with this, I will be writing a course which will be free to those who subscribe to this blog-for a limited time. Know what's funny? I actually joined a music group in MSN to find out if anyone would be interested in learning this stuff, and you know what? I checked and NO ONE responded!! I guess they are satisfied with making little to no money in bars, than to do it the easy way-which I am doing. I will check again, just to see if anyone cares-if they don't they'll have to pay the price, because I am charging BIG money for it. I am so excited because I am sooooo close now, if this works the way I want it to and fast enough, I will be kissing my miserable day job good bye in a month. (hopefully LESS than a month)
Thursday, April 06, 2006
On The Right Road
Thank God for my love of surfing the internet! I happened
To sign up for an "Indie" newsletter and found a goldmine
of a website where I can license my music. My sister and
I are in the process of going through songs and we are
going to record them this weekend. Then, we are going to
copyright them, then upload our music to this golden
website! I'm still trying to figure out Adsense, but
music has GOT to be first in my life now. As you have
heard me say: I want to work from home doing what I
Want to do. So, thus, begins my
journey on the right road.
To sign up for an "Indie" newsletter and found a goldmine
of a website where I can license my music. My sister and
I are in the process of going through songs and we are
going to record them this weekend. Then, we are going to
copyright them, then upload our music to this golden
website! I'm still trying to figure out Adsense, but
music has GOT to be first in my life now. As you have
heard me say: I want to work from home doing what I
Want to do. So, thus, begins my
journey on the right road.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Focus...Focus...Hocus Pocus
Hello all, again. I have found exactly what I want to do, that will bring in a residual, passive income, but guess what? It costs money-not as much as those scams I've had the misfortune of buying into, but, a little dough.
To get those things, I have found another way of raising the money that I need. The answer is Adsense. Adsense is the ultimate(in my opinion) passive income generator. All I gotta do now, is learn all I can about it, and go for it! I've got half a dozen ebooks, and a video ebook that can "show me the money". So, there you have it folks, as I progress and obtain success, I will definitely share all, so that you can share in my happiness. We all could use a few extra bucks, am I right?
To get those things, I have found another way of raising the money that I need. The answer is Adsense. Adsense is the ultimate(in my opinion) passive income generator. All I gotta do now, is learn all I can about it, and go for it! I've got half a dozen ebooks, and a video ebook that can "show me the money". So, there you have it folks, as I progress and obtain success, I will definitely share all, so that you can share in my happiness. We all could use a few extra bucks, am I right?
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
There and Back Again

So, So Sorry. I am back and promise to write once a week. If I haven't told you before(Which I don't believe I have)I have found the secret to
living the life of Riley.Hold onto your hats, here it is: Not only do I have to do what I love,I have to find a *passive* income that supports my artistic lifestyle.
Internet marketing is not working for me, people, and I just dumped it. I am busy
working on the "Passive Plan" to cut the dead-end j.o.b. The key to passive, of course ,is *easy*, hands off.My dream is to sit in my own recording studio, and while I'm making the next hit single, or composing for a TV commercial, I'm making money 24/7 with my products on autopilot. Internet marketing is not easy, it's hard, for me it is, and I hate difficulty! My life is crazy as it is, and then add in internet marketing-uh-uh, no more for me! When I am done, I will provide links to my website(I found out, my website, set-up is all "wrong" so I have to do it over) and my product pages and what is to me the ULTIMATE *passive* home business. See yah next week!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
The Reel Meaning Of Work
Hey, I am soooooo sorry that I did not write when I said I did. I was too busy "trying" to make money, which I have to say did not work. What I have discovered in 2005 was that what you say-what you think has a huuuuge impact on your life. I have said, and keep saying, that "I want to work from home, so I can do what I really want to do." What is it that I want to do, you ask? I am a musician, a writer, an artist, a (future) game designer. THAT'S who I am, and that is what I am going to do in 2006. I have wasted a lot of time from March 2004 to late 2005 trying to succeed on the internet. The only way I am going to succeed is to "do what I want to do" on the internet. That is the 'Reel Meaning of Work' to me. Actually, if you're into Martha Stewart's Apprentice Show, she said on one episode that she doesn't like the word 'work'. When she is doing what she loves, it isn't work. So, being the creative being that I am-I will not be working this year. The only work I have to do, is to get to the point where I can be at home 24/7. That to me is the "Reel Meaning Of Work." I have written two ebooks. One is Protecting Your Work, the other is The Complete Free Book Vol. 1 Games. I have to put them in ebook format, then they will be listed here. I have other projects in the works as well. I will give you an update once a week.
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