All about the life of a struggling artistic, being who used to be trapped in the chains of a mundane day job. I am now free to fly as high as I desire because I will never conform.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Something New....
out the problem. On the independence tip, my
Associated Content income has risen. Not life
changing, but going from $10-$20 a month to now.....
$25 is a BIG improvement.
The faucet is on, I just have to turn it up
full blast. Hopefully it'll go up more before
I get paid, probably next week. I'm having
a contest, I will announce it on Wednesday.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Blast It All!!!

We have so much music, copyrighted,
and more yet to be, but for the life
of me, I cannot figure out how to
connect MTV Music Generator to
the computer. I've been searching
for articles frantically online, and it's
definitely confusing, as one person
says how difficult it is, another that
there is a way to do it. It doesn't help
that my television is an old model and
it doesn't include hookups for the red
and white connectors.
As for my other iron in the fire, writing is going
well. I've completed six manuscripts. Two of
them ebooks and one is on sale at Scribd.
Just visit:
to check it out. I am still earning about
$10-$15 a month from Associated
Content (Whoop Dee Doo!) I'm still
trying to figure out how to get more
page views, 'cause if I can manage that,
it will get me one step closer to Riley.
How Close am I now? Let's see...See that graph up there? You can't
really see it that well, I know. I'm not a master of doing my own graphs
yet, I used an online website. What you see at the bottom, the splat,
is where I'm at now. I didn't get past it. The end is where I want to be. the
point where I have caught Riley. I'll do a better graph next month,
and hopefully I can get past that blasted splat!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Music News
We still have not recorded anything yet, BUT we have chosen
a song, and we had a major meeting last night from about
10:15 pm-11:45 am.
I don't want to just put singles online, and ring tones. The
whole point of this blog is to quit my day job and begin
living the life of my dreams. So, we are thinking bigger.
Stay tuned, there will actually be some news August 09.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Music News
to be looking through songs we've copyrighted and choose
one for a single, and one for a ring tone.
We're going to choose the songs tonight, so before summer
hits, you should hear what we sound like. Finally!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
tomorrow, so that gives me a lot of time-
Th-Sun. to attempt to find my memory card,
create some ringtones, give them away, work
on a single, etc. etc.
I have just finished my very first novel, and
a very, very good friend of mine is helping
me with editing it. She is a published author.
More on that later...
Anyway, I can't remember if I have mentioned
that I have found the "coolest" way to start a
business and promote it for free. Even more
cooler is that I have found an easy way to sell
I want to take the easy way of selling books, and
do the same for music. When I do that, I will be
out of my day job this year, sooner than I
ever believed. So let me get to it!
Want to know how to live the life of your dreams?
Subscribe to this blog and follow me.....
Thursday, April 09, 2009
is still elusive. Last year, I have learned a lot of things
about making money online. And the amazing thing is,
that everything is "free".
It does not take money to make money online.
Of course if you want to buy a course, and by course I
mean actual training. Depending on who you are learning
from it can be anywhere from $197-$5,000+
that's different. It's like taking a college course. But I have
discovered through free teleseminars, that if you do things
correctly, you can have all your expenses paid for.
Just image creating a product-any product and having
- promote for free
- manufacture for free
- travel for free
and on and on! The information is priceless. So All I have to do is create product, and then start branding myself online. All I care about is making a living online. I don't want to go out to work anymore. If you want to know how I feel about my j.o.b. check out my earlier posts when I started this blog. I know, I know, I should be glad I have a j.o.b., right? Well, if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't be able to live in your homes and support your families! You'd be living in a tent like those poor people in California.
I digress. The main point of this blog is, after all these years, I found the easy button. After believing the lies of marketers/guru's/scammers. I found the Golden Goose. So now I am working on creating products. Still need that blasted memory card, though....
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tomorrow Is The Day.....
Oh, it'll be free, so be sure to download a copy and get all your friends and family members to get one too. We'll be doing several of these next month, so you can always come back and get more!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Branding Myself
a musician. I read an article from an Internet guy about
a music millionaire, who used his brain and social networking
(free marketing people, stop using adwords!) to create a
name for himself in the music business.
DNJR will follow in his footsteps one day at a time. We
are in the process of finding our music.(a memory card
is missing!!!) We have created the most recent, and
what we consider best, music using MTV Music Generator.
Don't laugh because it's a video game. Brother and sister
duo Kellin and Taryn Manning (BoomKat) got a record deal
creating songs with it. Yep, you heard me right.
While people are being layed-off and living in tents, there
was a major change where I work. A new director stepped
in(they couldn't stand the last one) and she totally killed
my department. Three people having to do something new.
I'm pretty still in 'can't believe it' mode, the other doesn't know
where she's going, and the last in my department, my boss,
is leaving her heart behind. *Sigh*
Well, I can't complain too much, I worked
myself up(not that I had a choice...) to eight jobs in that
department, so now I'm down to one department.
But, I still have at least five jobs there-on minimum
wage, no less! So, when I read an article about how a
guy-a "rapper" became a millionaire from nothing,
(FREE ADVERTISING!!)you KNOW I am going to follow.
I'll carve out my own niche and customize his plan to
one that's right for me, and then I'll leave J.O.B. for
Friday, February 20, 2009
I Have Found It!
as well as my other blogs(writing, art, games, film).
I happened to be on a marketers list that gave me a
proven plan, that I can do for 'free' so I can finally start
my music career. :)
Another musician/marketer gave me another idea when
he posted a case study on how someone got 14,000 downloads
in just 48 hours using a free website!
So stay tuned. I will be giving away stuff for free, and
revealing a lot of cool ways on how to live the life that
you want.