Friday, October 15, 2021

Slowly but Surely

 I have started a Pinterest business page. Now to add in a lot of content! I am also attending a virtual webinar for government jobs. Yeah, I know. I am supposed to be Chasing the Life of Riley. I am, but it will not do for me to be idle, seeing my weekly check has ended last month on the fifth.

I am still taking the Coursera course, I want to get on to other courses, but this first one is taking a long time to complete! I mean to have it done by the end of November. I will continue my chase, because I know that after a hop skip and a jump I will finally be there!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

You'll Never Guess What Happened To Me

 Okay, so I am driving myself crazy with taking online courses AND writing books. Unemployment has ended on the 5th, but I am going to try again and see if I can get it a little while longer. Isn't Christmas coming up in 100 days or so? Granted, I won't be buying much as I did the previous years with a job and unemployment. The tree will look nice, but the presents (unless we are remembered by others this year) will be fewer.

So, this week I am launching a Pinterest business page. I really have my work cut out for me, luckily the rest of this month will be a lot of free time to work on it. I have been busy. Also, things are happening/has happened that are really unpleasant. When I get over it, I will tell you all about it, but right now I'm in the midst of it. "Problem" number one I'm waiting on pins and needles and do not know what is going to happen; the second "problem" well, I am doing alright, but it has taught me a lesson not to trust someone, even if they are your friend. 

Does this have you on pins and needles? Good. Keep reading my blog and find out when I will reveal what these two problems are. All I can say right now,  for the first problem, I keep thinking of the Missing Persons song "Destination Unknown". Do you know the lyrics? If not, look it up online.  For the second problem, the song from the Police comes to mind "Don't Stand So Close To Me." Keep guessing what my problems are. Will they interrupt me Chasing the Life of Riley? No, I will keep on going and going until I reach my goal.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Another Year and the Same old Same Old

 I wish covid-19 was over. I got my vaccine, so did my family. I wish everyone had done the same thing, so it would make sense that people are going out to the NYS Fair, and concerts and dining out, etc. I think the pandemic is messing with people's minds, in a big way. Mental illness is now more front and center than ever. Never in our wildest dreams-I know some of us never imagined being smack the middle in one and having to wear masks and keep our distance from friends and some family members. I think some people just can't take living like this and are acting out. Anyhoo....

Well, my old job asked me back. My health has diminished because of working there, so I told them NO! I mean, I am older now than when I started this blog, and I always told myself (manifesting works, people!) that I want to wake up everyday and do what I want to do. It happened. I am now doing that.

I didn't expect a pandemic to be the start of freedom, but, I kind of got used to it and I LOVE being at home! Yes, I have no day job, but I never really wanted one. I have bought more courses on writing and now I am taking a course from a Dept. of Labor suggestion from Coursera, and I plan on taking a whole lot of other courses to begin another career, working from home.

Yes, I think of myself now as any entrepreneur or star out there that started from nothing, lived in their cars and went after their dream and made it big. I don't want to be famous, no, but to follow after my fellow writers who are currently making five figures or more a month. Yes. I am still Chasing Riley,  a bit, but now I am more closer to my dream than ever.