Monday, October 14, 2024

Chasing Riley: Doing Surveys Part Two

Well.....qualifying for surveys on a new survey website was not the thing I hoped it would be. As I'm sure I've said before, the survey website I was a member of closed and I had no choice but to join another one, and the promises of making a certain dollar amount a day, did not happen. I have a small monetary goal that I hope to reach this week, and I will let you know if that happens.

I did find one winning strategy, though. Go for the high-paying surveys first. Some of them are long, I finished one today that was nearly two hours, but I got the points. Suveys are good for pizza money, bus fare and saving for Black Friday to get Christmas gifts. They really stink at paying bills. I am working on a bigger income stream and I will tell you all about it later in the week. So, surveys are just one thing that I am doing. Tomorrow, I will talk about the other income streams I am doing. 

Chasing Riley Income Streams

1. Surveys


3 Pi---

4 E----

5. ????

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