Monday, October 14, 2024

Chasing Riley: Doing Surveys Part Two

Well.....qualifying for surveys on a new survey website was not the thing I hoped it would be. As I'm sure I've said before, the survey website I was a member of closed and I had no choice but to join another one, and the promises of making a certain dollar amount a day, did not happen. I have a small monetary goal that I hope to reach this week, and I will let you know if that happens.

I did find one winning strategy, though. Go for the high-paying surveys first. Some of them are long, I finished one today that was nearly two hours, but I got the points. Suveys are good for pizza money, bus fare and saving for Black Friday to get Christmas gifts. They really stink at paying bills. I am working on a bigger income stream and I will tell you all about it later in the week. So, surveys are just one thing that I am doing. Tomorrow, I will talk about the other income streams I am doing. 

Chasing Riley Income Streams

1. Surveys


3 Pi---

4 E----

5. ????

Friday, October 11, 2024

Chasing Riley: Doing Surveys Part One

 One of the things that I'm doing that's bringing in some income is surveys. It's not a get-rich, life-changing way to make money, but at the moment while I'm working on the big stuff, it is helping out a little.  I am going to share the best Survey websites out there that work. First I have to share the pros and cons.

Pro's and Cons of Surveys


  • They pay fast
  • Perks and Prizes
  • Free to sign up
  • Not qualifying for surveys (there are good days and bad days)
  • Getting to the end of an annoying survey, and it gets stuck and stops, or you end up on a broken link
  • Low pay

The best survey website that I'm in is Swagbucks. ==> Sign up for Swagbucks here
Every Christmas a portion of my gifts are bought with a hundred-dollar gift card. I haven't mastered earning more than a hundred, but I'll try for next year until I don't have to anymore. I earn points from my referrals, but all I do is play the free games, shop, surveys, and search. Come black Friday, I will have a hundred dollars for gifts! There are a lot of gift cards to choose from from the lowest to highest amount. 

Next to Swagbucks, this is my favorite survey website. You can get paid from a bank transfer, Paypal and nine other reward cards. There are prizes and levels with perks. You do a survey each day, at the end of the week you get a chance to earn more points or a higher percentage more on the surveys you take. I love this website! Yes, just like Swagbucks, you can get more points for referrals.

I have to be honest and say that this website was a bit of a surprise. The former website I was on, GCloot was closing and turned into Zoombucks, but I must say that there are many survey sites to choose from and they say you can earn $100 every day and there are over a thousand ways to earn. I will keep you posted on this one.  Okay, I am going to set a goal for myself. (seriously, I always try, but never quite make it...) Zoombucks said over a hundred a day, well, let me see how much I can make by next Friday. I'll be posting tomorrow revealing another income stream

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Let's Start At the Very Beginning...

 At the beginning of this blog, I had a day job. I wanted to become an independently published author, which would replace my day job. I could wake up when I wanted to and do what I wanted while earning a passive income. No matter what I did, I could only earn very little, but most of the time, it was just crickets. Seriously, I never did earn an income to replace my former day job. So what did I do? I tried anything and everything that I could to earn money.

Mistake #1

 Rehashed information

Everyone who tells you how to make money online is not always telling you the truth. I would do free programs and some paid Internet marketing opportunities to make money. I was scammed so many times it would make your head spin. I didn't buy every gimmick, but some I did and it cost me big time. Do you want to really learn how to make money online? You must go to a verified source.  Look in your public library, but if the book isn't current, don't bother reading it. Here's one that got over a hundred good reviews. 

Mistake #2

Internet Marketers 

I'm not talking about the people who tell you that if you don't buy their $1,997, $997, $497, etc. course then, you just don't want to help yourself. The kind that tells you it's okay to use your credit card to buy their course. DON'T DO IT.

Mistake # 3

Applying for Loans to Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt

All it does is ruin your credit and have all sorts of companies accessing your personal information. Big mistake

What to do and What I am Doing Now

My new game plan is to have weekly pay,  at either a side hustle or another day job while I am building my publishing business. Ever since the pandemic hit and I lost my job I have been to dozens of virtual job fairs. I even applied to a few jobs, did a couple of interviews, but to this date, nada. I recently applied somewhere else and I'll see where that takes me, but I am now promoting affiliate programs so on this blog some links will be affiliate links and I may get a commission if you decide to make a purchase.  I am also doing surveys.

So, yes. I am still Chasing the Life of Riley, and time is speeding ahead. I have to be successful this year or I am in big trouble depending on who will be the next president of the United States. So, there you have it, and I know I've been horrible at keeping up this blog, but I am going to do three posts a week, unless 'Life' happens, which means work takes second place. I'll be keeping updates, and seriously focusing and continuing my journey Chasing Riley.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Have I Been Away Too Long?

 I cannot remember the last time I was blogging. Isn't that really sad? Well, I have been busy hustling one idea after the other. Nothing I have done to this date is making me enough money, or any money to live the Life of Riley that I have always craved. So, am I making money? Yes, survey money.  *Sigh* it is not enough to replace the day job that I once had.

Now that presidents are about to change, I have to hustle three times harder to ensure that whatever happens, my house and I are financially secure. The problem is, that there are too many ways to make money online, and many things I have tried did not work faster. I still need that one idea that can pay my bills while I work on my writing, which I am wholly bent on succeeding with this year, and music.

Having a home recording studio is different now than it was way back when. You don't have to have a huge multitrack recorder. All that's needed is a table with a microphone, monitors, headphones,  an audio interface, a pop filter DAW, and a laptop. I have some of these things, which probably need to be upgraded. Anyway, I will try to be on here more often because it's about time to be living the Life and Riley. Once I have succeeded, I will be posting a case study. I really hope that it can help someone else, especially during this time.